Treat Yo' Self

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Email:envoy (at) (Replace (at) with @ for real address.)
Category:Board Game
Rules:Treat Yo' Self (1st Edition)
Time slot:Fri Sep 17 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm (2 hours)
Host:Vincent Salzillo (Adam's Apple Games)
Ages:Teen (13+)
Experience required:None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:Indiana Convention Center
Tickets:18 out of 18 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021))
Event added:Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm

Grab tokens, place bids, and then Treat Yo' Self! Don't get too greedy or else you could go bust.

You Deserve It. Sometimes it is perfectly okay to be selfish, live a little, and enjoy he finer things. In this fast-paced game of bidding and bluffing, it indeed pays to pamper yourself. Which player can treat themselves the most? Collect the most valuable and unique treats to win! Remember, you are beautiful, you are fierce, and you deserve to Treat Yo' Self!

Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Treat Yo' Self (1st)." It has been changed to "Treat Yo' Self (1st Edition)."

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