Dungeon Mayhem

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Category:Non-Collectible / Tradable Card Game
Rules:Dungeon Mayhem (1st Edition)
Time slot:Fri Sep 17 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (1 hour)
Host:Steven Taylor (Fight in the Skies Society)
Ages:Teen (13+)
Experience required:None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:Indiana Convention Center, room Hall E: Fight in the Skies, table HQ
Tickets:6 out of 6 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021))
Event added:Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm

Defeat your opponents in this quick & easy to learn D&D-style card game!

In this action-packed Dungeons & Dragons themed card game, you win by being the last adventurer standing. Play as one of four brave, quirky characters (barbarian, paladin, rogue, or wizard) battling it out in a dungeon full of treasure! With magic missiles flinging, dual daggers slinging, and spiked shields dinging, it's up to you to prove your adventurer has the guts to bring home the glory!

Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Dungeon Mayhem (1st)." It has been changed to "Dungeon Mayhem (1st Edition)."

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