Rigamortis: A Zombie Love Story
(Compatible with most calendaring software. Double check all times!)
ID: | FLM21197423 |
Category: | Film Fest |
Rules: | Game system not specified |
Time slot: | Fri Sep 17 11:00 pm - Sat Sep 18 midnight (1 hour) |
Cost: | $0.00 |
Host: | Chuck Budreau (Gen Con Film Festival) |
Ages: | Teen (13+) |
Experience required: | None (You've never played before - rules will be taught) |
Materials provided? | No |
Location: | Westin, room Capitol III |
Tickets: | 60 out of 60 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021)) |
Event added: | Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm |
The Zombie, Romance, Musical! After humanity quells an undead uprising, the last two remaining zombies pair up in search of sanctuary, but instead find love.