Arkham Horror
(Compatible with most calendaring software. Double check all times!)
ID: | RPG21191488 |
Web site: | |
Email: | angusowens (at) (Replace (at) with @ for real address.) |
Category: | Role Playing Game |
Rules: | Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition) |
Time slot: | Thu Sep 16 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm (5 hours) |
Cost: | $6.00 |
Host: | Angus Owens (WAG) |
Ages: | Mature (18+) |
Experience required: | None (You've never played before - rules will be taught) |
Materials provided? | Yes |
Location: | Marriott, room Tennessee, table HQ |
Tickets: | 5 out of 5 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021)) |
Event added: | Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm |
Our intrepid adventurers will try to save the city and perhaps the world itself from the Horror within.
This adventure is based on H.P. Lovecraft’s Cthulhu Mythos. Our intrepid adventurers will try to save the city and perhaps the world itself from the Horror within. Players will have pregenerated characters loosely based on the investigators from Arkham Horror the boardgame.
Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Dungeons & Dragons (5th)." It has been changed to "Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)."