Stardate 5819.5 (2017 Episode Reprise)

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Category:Role Playing Game
Rules:Savage Worlds (Adventure)
Time slot:Thu Sep 16 8:00 pm - Fri Sep 17 midnight (4 hours)
Host:David Olds (Party of One)
Ages:Teen (13+)
Experience required:Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:Marriott, room California, table HQ
Tickets:8 out of 8 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021))
Event added:Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm

114 delegates aboard, half angry at the other half, and everyone touchier than raw antimatter over this Ardana question. Your orders: Find a way to keep Ardana in the Federation.

A formal reception tonight, 114 delegates aboard for two weeks, 32 of them ambassadors, half of them mad at the other half, and everyone touchier than a raw antimatter pile over this Ardana question. Stratos city-dwellers and Troglytes alike are angry about accusations of human rights violations and outright interference in their internal affairs by other members. Your orders are to find a way to keep Ardana in the Federation. A trivial assignment for officers and crew of your caliber. Beam aboard for adventure where no man has gone before! Role playing encouraged, combat inevitable.

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