Accursed Isle part 3, The
(Compatible with most calendaring software. Double check all times!)
ID: | RPG21193656 |
Category: | Role Playing Game |
Rules: | Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition) |
Time slot: | Fri Sep 17 9:00 am - 1:00 pm (4 hours) |
Cost: | $4.00 |
Host: | Jason Brandon (Fight in the Skies Society) |
Ages: | Teen (13+) |
Experience required: | None (You've never played before - rules will be taught) |
Materials provided? | Yes |
Location: | Indiana Convention Center, room Hall E: Fight in the Skies, table HQ |
Tickets: | 7 out of 7 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021)) |
Event added: | Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm |
Marooned on a mysterious island, can the PCs survive?
In the dangerous BlightFens the PCs may learn more of the forces that fight over BloodStone Isle, and what forces were unleashed upon it in ages past. But will this prepare them to survive the threat of the Tempest that threatens the survival of the very island itself? (Note: Players are welcome even if they do not play in the other parts of this campaign.)
Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Dungeons & Dragons (5th)." It has been changed to "Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)."