Amnesia Adventures
(Compatible with most calendaring software. Double check all times!)
ID: | RPG21194014 |
Category: | Role Playing Game |
Rules: | Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition) |
Time slot: | Sat Sep 18 9:00 am - 3:00 pm (6 hours) |
Cost: | $6.00 |
Host: | Kirshtian Wilson (Fight in the Skies Society) |
Ages: | Teen (13+) |
Experience required: | Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics) |
Materials provided? | Yes |
Location: | Indiana Convention Center, room Hall E: Fight in the Skies, table HQ |
Tickets: | 7 out of 7 are available (as of 1342 days ago (5:22 pm Saturday July 10th, 2021)) |
Event added: | Sat Jul 10 5:22 pm |
This one shot adventure has players guessing their race, class, and name all the while racing to solve the mystery of a stolen treasure.
Imagine waking up, no recollection of who you are or what you do. A quick search of your pockets reveals an address, time and a name. Slowly reveal different and quirky details of your level 20 character as you interact with NPCs and adventure the city to find out the burning question of who you are and where the stolen treasure went.
Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Dungeons & Dragons (5th)." It has been changed to "Dungeons & Dragons (5th Edition)."