Hunt for the Inquisitor

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Email:mtagc2014 (at) (Replace (at) with @ for real address.)
Category:Role Playing Game
Rules:Mage: the Awakening (God-Machine Chronicle)
Time slot:Thu Aug 14 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm (4 hours)
Host:Christopher Shaffer
Ages:Teen (13+)
Experience required:Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:Marriott, room Marriott Ballroom 10, table 8
Tickets:0 out of 6 are available (as of 7:02 am Thursday August 27th, 2020)
Event added:Thu Aug 27 7:02 am

A group of mages finally has a lead on how to find a serial killer who's been hunting the Awakened community for years. Do you dare face the Inquisitor?

The serial killer known as the Inquisitor has been haunting the Awakened community for years, hunting mages with a magical sword that is believed to have driven him mad. One group of mages finally has a solid lead on how to locate him. The plan is to track him down, put an end to the threat once and for all, and lock the sword away where it can't hurt anyone else again. Do you dare face the Inquisitor? Note: This game will be using a house ruled partial update the God-Machine Chronicle.

Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Mage: The Awakening (God-Machine Chronicle)." It has been changed to "Mage: the Awakening (God-Machine Chronicle)."

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