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Email:dominicr (at) (Replace (at) with @ for real address.)
Category:Board Game
Rules:Fresco (1st Edition)
Time slot:Thu Jul 30 noon - 2:00 pm (2 hours)
Host:Dominic Rouillier (Asmodee Editions)
Ages:Everyone (6+)
Experience required:None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:Indiana Convention Center, room Hall E: Asmodee, table HQ
Tickets:1 out of 32 are available (as of 6:57 am Thursday August 27th, 2020)
Event added:Thu Aug 27 6:57 am

Slip into the role of fresco painters in this colourful family game. Prove your abilities, but only the player who plans cleverly can win!

The ceiling in the cathedral is getting on a bit and is in urgent need of restoration. The bishop is awaiting important visitors and wants to show off his church from its best side. The players slip into the role of the fresco painters in this colourful family game and have to prove their abilities: But only the player who plans cleverly can win! This fascinating game already contains 3 expansion modules which can be combined with the basic game in any desired manner to influence the scope of the game. Elaborately structured game cards, additional coloured pieces and lots of bonus counters provide even more excitement!

Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Fresco (1st)." It has been changed to "Fresco (1st Edition)."

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