Monster Mash

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Category:Non-Historical Miniatures
Rules:Heroscape (3rd Edition)
Time slot:Thu Jul 30 11:00 am - 3:00 pm (4 hours)
Host:unknown (Heroscapers)
Ages:Everyone (6+)
Experience required:Some (You've played it a bit and understand the basics)
Materials provided?No
Location:Indiana Convention Center, room Hall B: Heroscapers, table HQ
Tickets:1 out of 28 are available (as of 6:57 am Thursday August 27th, 2020)
Event added:Thu Aug 27 6:57 am

Bring pre-drafted 500 point army. MUST include at least 350 points worth of Large and/or Huge figures. Cannot exceed 16 figures.

Open to all players, 28 positions. 4 round swiss tournament with 1 game final. Players bring a pre-drafted 500 point Heroscape, no Marvel. The army MUST include at least 350 points worth of Large and / or Huge figures. Army cannot exceed 16 figures. The tournament is played in one hour rounds.

Warnings: The event was originally listed with rules of "Heroscape (3rd)." It has been changed to "Heroscape (3rd Edition)."

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