What the hell are they thinking?

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Category:Trade Day Event
Rules:Game system not specified
Time slot:Wed Jul 29 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm (1 hour)
Host:Jonathan Truitt
Ages:Everyone (6+)
Experience required:None (You've never played before - rules will be taught)
Materials provided?Yes
Location:JW, room 301
Tickets:43 out of 50 are available (as of 6:57 am Thursday August 27th, 2020)
Event added:Thu Aug 27 6:57 am

The idea behind this session is to playtest a short introductory game focused on teaching the scholarly process to advanced high school and beginning college students interested in history.

“What the Hell are They Thinking?: Games to Introduce the Historical Process” History classes often use lecture as the primary method to introduce the scholarly process. Through this, students are introduced to facts about history and the process of producing it, but rarely do students have a hands-on experience participating in the historical process. Games have been successfully used in other contexts to introduce people to practice, and to teach historical facts and theories. The question becomes, if we can use games to teach other historical concepts why not use games to give students a hands-on experience with the scholarly processes as well? The idea behind this session is to playtest a short introductory game focused on teaching the scholarly process to advanced high school and beginning college students interested in history.

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